A level
The International A level is the common name for the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level certificate (GCE A level). To complete an A level, students sit an examination at the end of each academic year.
ACE Diploma
The Advanced Certificate of Education (ACE) is an internationally recognised diploma awarded to students for the successful completion and mastering of a broader range of skills critical for success in university study and employment.
Afrikaans EAT
Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (EAT) is a South African CAPS curriculum subject.
Afrikaans HT
Afrikaans Huistaal (HT) is a South African CAPS curriculum subject.
AS level
The International Advanced Subsidiary level (AS level) is an independent qualification encompassing the first year of an A Level qualification’s content.
Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) is a national policy set out by the South African Department of Education that states what should be included in the curricula of schools for each grade and how it will be tested/assessed.
Computer Application Technology (CAT) is a South African CAPS curriculum subject.
Coaching hub
Children at coaching hubs have the opportunity to work in groups and interact socially with other children. A list of educational coaching hubs with contact information can be located on our website under Coaching Hubs.
Early Years
The Early Years of the British International curriculum encompasses Stage R (aged 5 to 6), and is the initial stepping-stone into structured early education.
One of the forms of payment accepted by us is an electronic funds transfer (EFT) from a your bank account to ours, that instantly gets confirmed.
Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) is a South African CAPS curriculum subject.
Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) is an additional South African CAPS subject for students in Grades 7 to 9.
English FAL
English First Additional Language (FAL) is a South African CAPS curriculum subject.
English HL
English Home Language (HL) is a South African CAPS curriculum subject.
A Further Education and Training (FET) institute refers to education and training that is provided from Grade 10 to Grade 12.
The United States General Educational Development (GED®) diploma is recognised as a Grade 12 equivalent in South Africa. It comprises a group of four subject tests which provides certification of United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills. It can be used to study at university. Think Digital Academy is a GED Testing Service Authorized Test Preparation Partner (view certificate).
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a subject-specific family of academic qualifications that awarding bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Crown dependencies and a few Commonwealth countries confer on students.
The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification, generally taken in a number of subjects by pupils in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Schooling runs from grade 0 (the reception year also known as grade R) through to grade 12 (known as matric). Grades 1 to 9 are compulsory and are classified as General Education and Training. Grades 10 to 12 are considered to be Further Education and Training.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) is an International GCSE subject.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualifications are based on individual subjects of study, which means that one receives an “IGCSE” qualification for each subject one takes.
The Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA) is the largest and oldest membership organisation for private schools in the region. ISASA serves over 850 member schools across a broad range of socio-economic and cultural communities and religious affiliations.
Lower Primary
Lower primary of the British International curriculum offers a structured educational journey for young learners from Stages 1 to 3.
Lower Secondary
Lower secondary (Stages 7 and 8) of the British International curriculum provides a solid foundation for future academic success.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enrol.
The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a set of principles and guidelines by which records of student achievement are registered to enable national recognition of acquired skills and knowledge, thereby ensuring an integrated system that encourages life-long learning.
The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is a high school diploma and is the school-leaving certificate in South Africa. This certificate is commonly known as the matriculation (matric) certificate, as grade 12 is the matriculation grade. Think Digital Academy is registered with SACAI, an Umalusi-accredited examination board offering the NSC. After successful completion of your grade 12 examination, you will receive an official NSC from Umalusi – exactly the same certificate obtained by learners attending traditional schools. If university exception is obtained, the NSC allows admission to any South Africa university and is internationally accepted, with certain restrictions.
Online / virtual school
An online school teaches students online through the use of technology. TDA offers a learner-centred approach which is personalised and self-paced. TDA is the first virtual school providing the British International, South African CAPS and United States GED curricula.
The Personal Power Programme (PPP) is a British International curriculum subject taken in Stages R – 8.
South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI) is a non-profit company that provides National Senior Certificate (NSC) assessment services to a diverse range of educational institutions. Think Digital Academy is registered with SACAI (view certificate).
A stage encompasses a year of the British International curriculum syllabus school education.
Think Digital Academy (TDA) is the first virtual school providing both the British International, South African CAPS and United States GED curricula.
Upper Primary
Upper primary (Stages 4 to 6) of the British International curriculum develops critical thinking and global perspectives.
Virtual class
A virtual class is an online learning platform which allows educators and students to communicate, interact, and collaborate.
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