• South African CAPS curriculum FAQs.

South African CAPS curriculum FAQs

Frequently asked questions

Yes, we offer a free 14-day trial for you to explore our learning environment. Visit our “Free 14-day trial” page, fill in your details, and your temporary login codes will be sent to you via email.

Yes, alternative schooling is permitted in South Africa. Think Digital Academy is registered with SACAI (view certificate), the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute, and follows the requirements for students to obtain their National Senior Certificate.

We have a list of educational coaching hubs with contact information on our website. Our coaching hubs make use of our online content and provide the students with a social and interactive space where they can receive extra support. Please note that the educational coaching hubs operate independently and charge their own fees which are not included in our prices. The educational coaching hubs have no formal relationship with Think Digital Academy, we are solely content providers and do not have any input in how the centres are run.

We offer the CAPS curriculum in both English and Afrikaans.

It is never too late to pass Matric as an adult.

Think Digital Academy offers the Amended Senior Certificate (ASC) which is equivalent to the nationally recognised National Senior Certificate (NSC/Matric). Certification is issued by Umalusi.

The content is the same as what Grade 12 students in traditional schools complete. Think Digital Academy offers a full set of exams as a mock matric, two months before the final exams, to prepare students for the official exams. Only six subjects are required (Life Orientation is not required).

Grade R to 6 CAPS students must complete all the subjects listed for their grade; these include English, Afrikaans, Maths and Life Orientation (Gr R – 3) and Natural Science, Geography and History (Gr 4 – 6). Students in Grades 7 to 9 have an additional three subjects which are EMS, Technology and Creative Arts. Grade 10 to 12 CAPS students are required to take a total of 7 subjects, of which English, Maths/Maths lit, Afrikaans and Life Orientation are compulsory, and a choice of any additional 3 subjects.

The bad news is that South African universities require a second additional language.  The good news is that we currently offer Afrikaans as a Second Language up to Grade 12 and IsiZulu up to Grade 3. More good news is that IsiZulu for higher grades is currently in development and will be available soon.

Please contact your Provincial Education Department (PED) to register your child for home-schooling for one of the following compulsory phases:
Foundation Phase (Grade 1 to 3).
Intermediate Phase (Grade 4 to 6).
Senior Phase (Grade 7 to 9).

Think Digital registers all FET students (Grade 10, 11 and 12) with SACAI.  SACAI is an examination body registered with Umalusi that governs distance education providers.

We know it can be tough dealing with the Department of Education – We’re here for you if you need us.

We’ve carefully selected voices that motivate you, get your energy levels flowing and your enthusiasm high to make studying a little easier and a lot more fun.

This really depends on the speed at which each student works and retains information; however, the following can be used as a guideline:

Foundation Phase (Grade 1 to 3) 3 – 4 hours

Intermediate Phase (Grade 4 to 6) 5 – 6 hours

Senior Phase (Grade 7 to 9) 6 – 7 hours

FET phase (Grade 10 – 12)  7 – 8  hours

Our Matric certificates are issued by Umalusi, as are all Matric certificates from public and private schools. Students who obtain the required marks for university entrance, can apply with their Think Digital reports and final Umalusi certificates. Please confirm the admission requirements of your chosen university to ensure that you select the correct subject combination.

Looking for more information about the South African CAPS curriculum?

Visit the South African CAPS curriculum web page to find out more about the curriculum, subjects and the Amended Senior Certificate.

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Please contact us with your query and we will respond as soon as possible.