Frequently asked questions
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes, we offer a free 14-day trial for you to explore our learning environment. Visit our “Free 14-day trial” page, fill in your details, and your temporary login codes will be sent to you via email.
How do I register my GCSE/AS Level/A level student for their external exams?
Once you have located your nearest British International Curriculum accredited examination centre, you need to register your student directly with them. There is a fee that needs to be paid per paper written, this fee may change according to the exchange rate at the time. There are two examination sessions in a year; these are May/June and October/November. There are cut off dates for registering for the exams and you will be notified when registration opens.
Please remember that your student has to complete the full 18-month course before writing these exams.
How many subjects does my student need?
Stage R to 8 students are required to complete all the subjects listed for their grade. GCSE students are required to take a total of 6 subjects. For AS Level, a total of 5 subjects is required.
What are the requirements to earn an ACE Diploma?
In order to receive an ACE Diploma, a candidate must earn a minimum of seven credits (including International AS Level Global Perspectives and Research), with at least one credit coming from each of the three curriculum areas.
To achieve the Diploma, all students are required to study and pass a compulsory core subject: International AS Level Global Perspectives and Research. This is a cross-curricular skills-based course that teaches students to think critically, analyse evidence and compare different perspectives.
The other six credits can be earned from any subject across four different groups:
Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences (example: Biology)
Group 2: Languages (example: English)
Group 3: Arts and Humanities (example: History)
Group 4: Interdisciplinary Skills (example: Global Perspectives)
AS level courses equate to one credit, while the Advanced (A) level course is worth two credits. AS courses are completed over one year whereas A courses are typically completed over two years.
All exams must be taken within a 25-month period and can be entered during the final examination series.
Looking for more information about the British International curriculum?
Visit the British International curriculum web page to find out more about the curriculum, subjects and the ACE Diploma.
Did not find the answer you were looking for?
Please contact us with your query and we will respond as soon as possible.