• Stage 4 in the British International Curriculum fosters a deepening understanding of fundamental academic concepts.

Stage 4

Stage 4 in the British International Curriculum is designed to foster a deepening understanding of fundamental academic concepts while encouraging personal growth and development. This stage aims to cultivate a robust educational foundation that equips students with the essential skills and knowledge necessary for their forthcoming academic stages.

Curriculum: British International
Requirements: Completed Primary Stage 3 or an equivalent
Age group: 9 to 10 years of age
Language of instruction: English


The Stage 4 curriculum offers a varied selection of subjects that are integral to developing a well-rounded educational background.

Focus on enhancing reading fluency and comprehension, introduction to basic literary analysis and strengthening written and oral communication.

Focus on improving language and grammar for spoken and written communication.

Concentration on basic arithmetic, introduction to simple fractions and decimals, and the beginnings of geometric understanding.

Basic exploration of the natural world, including simple experiments and introduction to the scientific method.

Early history and geography, focusing on local history and basic map skills.

Student preparation for Stage 4

Students are encouraged to develop effective study habits and organisational skills that will aid in their academic pursuits. Emphasis is placed on establishing a routine, engaging actively with learning materials and understanding the value of educational discipline.

Parental involvement for Stage 4 students

At this stage, parental involvement is crucial in nurturing and guiding students through their learning journey. Parents are encouraged to:

  • Provide a supportive learning environment at home.
  • Engage with their child’s schoolwork and provide motivation.
  • Foster an atmosphere that encourages curiosity and the desire to learn.

How are parents kept informed?

Weekly activity reports provide parents with insights into their child’s progress and online activities. Monthly blogs provide relevant information and tips for home support.

Support offered by Think Digital to students

Support for Stage 4 includes optional access to online tutors via the online tutor chat which gives students access to a panel of online tutors who provide additional help in understanding core concepts.

Stage 4 assessments

Assessments in Stage 4 are designed to monitor progress and provide feedback on students’ understanding of the curriculum. These assessments are formative, focusing on the students’ ability to grasp fundamental concepts and apply them.

Equipment and supplies needed

Students will require basic computer/desktop or tablet access, reliable internet connectivity, essential stationery and several notebooks for personal use. All educational materials are provided digitally, ensuring students are well equipped without the need for physical textbooks.

British International Curriculum – Stage 4 overview

The curriculum for Stage 4 is carefully structured to ensure that students develop confidence in their academic abilities and a love for learning that will serve as the foundation for their future educational endeavours.

Developmental milestones during Stage 4

At this stage, students typically begin to develop greater independence in their learning processes. They show improvements in cognitive functions such as concentration and memory. Socially, they learn to cooperate more effectively with peers outside the digital classroom and emotionally, they start to manage feelings and resolve conflicts.

How parents can support this age group
Parents can support their children by:

  • Encouraging reading at home.
  • Discussing the online school day and specific learnings.
  • Promoting healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular physical activity and balanced nutrition.

Additional resources

Story time sessions: Online sessions where stories are read, often followed by a discussion or related activity to enhance comprehension and verbal skills.

Clubs and Fraternities: Online clubs that help students develop specific skills, such as art, drama, yoga, etc.

Meet and greets: Social events that encourage students to meet one another in person while participating in fun activities.

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