• Educational Support Centres: Free State

Coaching hubs: Free State

B Bloemfontein (4) Brandfort (1) F Ficksburg (2) P Parys (1)


Brain Blocks

Contact: Jean Gryzenhout, +27 (0)81 386 0392, jgryzenhout@brainblockstutoring.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Universitas, Bloemfontein

Innovative Instruction

Contact: Ilze Cason, +27 (0)82 588 3720, ilze@iicottage.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Park West, Bloemfontein


Contact: Patricia Joseph, +27 (0)64 076 0643, smartme.tutor@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Noordhoek, Bloemfontein

St Elly’s Bloemfontein

Contact: Hagen, +27 (0)82 778 5887, stellybloem@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Bayswater, Bloemfontein


Country Kids Opvoedkundige Sentrum

Contact: Johan Griessel, +27 (0)61 202 2425, countrybunchkids@gmail.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, United States GED
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Brandfort


Missio Dei Farm School

Contact: Geertje Venter, +27 (0)84 443 1877, school@mdfoundation.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Ficksburg

Montessori House FXB

Contact: Selloane Monyamane Lesenyeho, +27 (0)82 828 9728, selloaneml@outlook.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary school
Location: Ficksburg


Kingdom Keys – Parys

Contact: Shawna, +27 (0)82 729 4484, shawna.stapel@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
Location: Parys