This month we celebrate our youth and raise awareness of the challenges they face and their future importance in our society.

Youth Month takes place in many countries around the world. In South Africa, it is being celebrated under the theme “Accelerating youth economic emancipation for a sustainable future”.

Education is key to drawing more young people into the economy. Why? Because education raises productivity and creativity, as well as stimulates entrepreneurship and technological breakthroughs – all of which lead to greater economic growth and a sustainable economic future.

Research shows the direct relationship between how much you earn and your years of schooling. Each additional year of schooling means more money in your pocket, with a significant increase in those who have Matric (Grade 12).

Not only does schooling affect your earnings, but parents’ education level has a significant impact on their children’s success.

How do we nurture our youth?

  • Make learning fun by providing online class environments, digital lessons and books and teachers who can and do!
  • Empower the young through engagement in multiple activities beyond the classroom – in sport facilities, music, dance, entrepreneurship, community affairs, access to study / internet hubs.
  • Nurture the youth by embracing their youthful optimism, and listening to their banter and pleas. Know that you are ‘watering’ a beautiful bloom readying to unfurl if only you do your part in the ‘garden’.
  • Remain sensitive and responsive to the ‘tender stems’ of youth. Beyond their sometimes apparent brash, dismissive eye rolls, lie individuals yearning for your love, attention and care. Give it abundantly and freely.
  • Optimise the potential of the youth. Create, and support initiatives that give purpose and outlet to emergent youth development and activation – in the home, community and, at the work place.

Education for an empowered youth – we’ve got the answer!

It’s no secret that here at Think Digital, we take the slog and boredom out of learning and teach our online lessons in an interactive and engaging way. Perfect for ensuring that your children achieve their school goals while learning to love learning. Not only that, you can also learn at any age (see our Adult Matric). Curious? Why not try our online learning environment by enrolling for our free 14 day trial.

More to explore:

If silver linings exist from the pandemic or the current youth mental health crisis, it’s that awareness about the importance of supporting mental health is at an all-time high. A win for sure! But awareness is just the first step. Real change includes access to quality mental health services and support for everyone who needs them. We know we can’t do it alone and are calling on all our TDA family and to join us by increasing the love we show our children a little bit more every day!

Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being and this holds especially true for children. A child’s mental health is crucial for their healthy development, learning, and socialisation. However, despite the importance of mental health, it is often overlooked or stigmatised, leading to negative outcomes for children. Therefore, in honour of Mental Health Awareness, let’s discuss why it’s important to prioritise mental health awareness in children.

Childhood mental health problems: prevalence and impact

Mental health problems among children are quite common. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), about one in six children aged 6-17 years, experience mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and behavioural disorders. Furthermore, mental health problems can have a significant short-term and long-term impact on children’s lives. These can include difficulty in socialising and making friends, poor academic performance, self-harm and even suicide.

Stigma and misconceptions: barriers to mental health awareness

Despite the prevalence and impact of mental health problems in children, stigma and misconceptions are still significant barriers to mental health awareness. Children and their families may avoid seeking help due to shame, fear of being labelled, or a lack of understanding about mental health problems. Additionally, there is a widespread belief that mental health issues are not real illnesses and that children will eventually outgrow them. Such beliefs can prevent early identification and treatment, leading to further complications.

The importance of mental health awareness in children

Mental health awareness in children is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps children and their families understand that mental health disorders are real and that seeking help is essential. It also reduces stigma and helps children feel less isolated and ashamed, making it easier to seek help. Secondly, mental health awareness can help with early identification and intervention, reducing the severity and long-term impact of mental health disorders. This, in turn, can lead to better academic, social and emotional outcomes for children. Finally, mental health awareness in children helps create a more supportive and inclusive environment that promotes overall well-being.

How can we promote mental health awareness in children?

There are several ways to promote mental health awareness in children. Firstly, we need to provide education and resources to parents, teachers and caregivers on identifying and addressing mental health disorders in children. This can include providing mental health screenings, counselling services, and training on how to support children with mental health disorders. Secondly, we need to raise awareness and reduce stigma through public campaigns, school programmes and community events. Finally, we need to prioritise mental health funding and research to better understand the root causes of mental health problems in children and develop effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Mental health awareness in children is crucial for their overall well-being and healthy development. However, stigma and misconceptions continue to prevent children and their families from seeking help. By promoting mental health awareness, we can reduce stigma, increase early identification and intervention and promote better academic, social and emotional outcomes for children. Therefore, let us prioritise mental health awareness in children and create a more supportive and inclusive environment for all.

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Great reading

It is my contention / observation, from the wings of a long-time teaching career, that ‘true education’, in its ‘wholesome best’ should reach, even over-reach, into all aspects of the lived experience. Education should neither begin nor end with the school bell.

Parents / carers commit to optimise the benefits of school-going for their children. Some are able to extend those with their support and encouragement of various extra-mural activities and augment them with cultural opportunities. There are dashes from cricket practice to choir. Corrective strategies in reading, writing, extra-maths are added to the ever expanding ‘school run’.

The online experience is arguably far more dependent on parental activation and organisational support in order to provide the above range of exposure without the traditional school framework. Their input is impressively ever-present beyond the attendant demands on time and resources.

Without straying into simplistic generalisation, I think it is true to say that every parent wishes and works towards providing the ‘best possible’ range of educational opportunities for their child. Based on this well-validated assumption, one may conscientise parents to widen their paradigm of educational exposure for their children into experiential learning. The proposed goal is to weave in the ‘bigger picture’ of life around them. Integrate learning to include divergent views, nuanced language, rear-view historical insight, contact with a local baker, security vs protection mechanisms, understanding waste, influence of the built environment on the everyday; transport…

In short, never close the door on learning ~ at a traffic light, in Checkers, in an overcrowded bus, around the table, on the way to church, after a fight, talk about a billboard on the highway, walk through a museum, make / sell popcorn together, identify the birds in your garden, prepare a family quiz for Sunday evening, page through a newspaper, plant / monitor a fruit tree of choice, scrutinise a savings account, a telephonic chat with an auntie … the possibilities – opportunities – are endless! The benefits are unquestionable! The development of capacities for insight, reflection, tolerance, compassion, expanded knowledge horizons, persistence, critical thought, responsibility… the illusive ‘soft skills’ whose absence mars the ‘educatedness’ of even the top mark achievers!

It is worth remembering that life is best filled by learning as much as you can about as much as you can, taking pride in whatever you are doing, having empathy, sharing ideas, running, being enthusiastic, mountain climbing, learning to love! This doesn’t happen within the narrow confines of the classroom / digital learning arena / on the rugby field… ‘educatedness’ comes with an embrace of the whole of life!

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Great reading

As technology continues to rapidly advance and change the way we live, learn and work, it’s important for parents to prepare their children for the future of education.

The future of education will likely involve a greater use of technology and will place a greater emphasis on skills such as creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.

To help prepare children for this future, parents can take several steps such as fostering a love of learning, developing strong study skills, encouraging technology proficiency, fostering creativity and critical thinking, promoting collaboration and by modelling empathy to them. By taking these steps, parents can help their children develop the skills and mindset they need to succeed in the ever-changing world of education.

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Great reading

By Efterpi Sotiriou

As educators we bear our responsibilities seriously, accountably, with steely determination. We are mostly very busy: planning, printing, disseminating subject matter, marking – ‘fountains’ of knowledge, sound instruction, disciplinarians even!

At the ‘end of it all’, we sit back proudly in reflection of ‘a job well done’ – bountiful distinctions, escalating matric pass rates, impressive personal achievements. We may be inclined to give ourselves the proverbial ‘pat on the back’… but… should we?

How do we honestly and earnestly respond to the question: has the student been personally empowered by the expert knowledge flooding the school satchel?

The plea here is for active, life-related ‘translations’ of the subject matter.

So, for example, in the fact-intense, fast-paced, curriculum-driven history classroom, as one relates / demonstrates / explains / describes the minutiae of Hitler’s foreign policy or of Stalin’s five-year plans or the Sharpeville massacre… don’t stop there!

Tackle questions of leadership, styles of political organisation, criteria in assessment of programmes, present parallels, impact on communities, who gains? Who suffers?

Consider / contemplate wider issues at stake: universal rights / individuals rights, projections of image, patterns of unrest / revolution, the impact of matters of the purse, rights of citizens, foreigners…

Extend the conversation into the personal: what kind of leader would one chose to be? Who is who in the family? How does it work? What if any, are the justifications of ‘strong / forceful’ leadership? Responses to failure, impacts of punishment…

Against the backdrop of historical information covered within the curriculum, how would the individual structure / review personal, family, South African prospects?

The possibilities for engagement, self-application and growth are tantalisingly available, ready for the picking. Opportunities not be missed.”

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By Efterpi Sotiriou

‘Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learnt at school’ (Albert Einstein).

The task of education is widely multi-faceted, extending far above and beyond the narrow parameters of what is taught in the classic exchange of subject information at school.

Educators are commissioned with transmitting and inspiring an all-important value system as a carry-over life-tool. In application, however, the targeted paradigm of the student is a complex one, underpinned with youthful vulnerability, peer pressures, pre-established curriculum-rigid frameworks and parental prescriptions.

Critical questions arise, inter-alia:

  • What subject matter to include in the education journey?
  • Who decides on content, method, assessment?
  • How to dynamize content with life meaning?

Ultimately, the objective of the teacher is irrefutably daunting but privileged in equal measure. Empowering a child to enter ‘the big world’ with knowledge, skill, insight, sensitivity, tolerance, compassion and awareness must remain the objectives of the educator.

When confronted by decisions in their lives, pupils should be able to make informed choices. As educators, we are required to enable pupils to choose commitment and diligence over indifference, the difficult and worthy over the easy. We should empower them to defy mere conformity to robotized assessment expectations and develop their talents to the limits of their personal potential. The gains in self-respect are immeasurable.

We wish them to be proud of themselves, helpful, purposeful, generous-rather than selfish and self-centered. These are the attributes of true education. Its far-flung capacity should be earnestly sought, cultivated and upheld. It’s ‘the only way’.”

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Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

Great reading

Children are always learning new skills, new ideas and new ways of doing things. Like, discovering how to make TikTok videos upside down, in 2.8 seconds, or, spending four hours doing a YouTube-athon learning how to boil an egg without water, or watching 80% of the internet trying to figure out whether dogs make better pets than cats. In fact, learning something new every day, is the way they develop and become more confident in their knowledge and abilities. But learning something new every day can become challenging for children unless, we, as parents and educators, inspire them to do so.

Helping your child become a better learner is as easy as motivating them and giving them the positive reinforcement they need to learn and grow. With just a little bit of your time and effort, your child can become better prepared for school and the world beyond it. With that said, we defy you to read through these six tips without letting out an audible groan of joy. We’re certain that they’re exactly what’ll set you off on your journey to success as a parent.

Let’s take a look at some ways that you can help your child become a better learner:

1. Identify their learning style

By identifying your child’s specific learning style, you can adapt the way new information is presented to them. Teachers, tutors and parents should work together to ensure that their children get the best education possible, and that sometimes means creating custom tailored lesson plans that suit the needs of the child.

2. Encourage questions

The more questions the better! Encouraging children to ask questions until they understand the ideas or material they are learning, is important for the proper development of their brains. Limiting their curiosity could lead to lower test results and a decreased ability to learn new information.

3. Learn from mistakes

Show your child that it is okay to learn from their mistakes. By letting your child make mistakes, they will have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and develop better reasoning and problem solving skills as a result.

4. Build their confidence

Praise and motivate your child. Teach them that through hard work and discipline, they can do anything they set their minds to. Encouraging them to try something new and learn from every new experience is a good way to help them become a much better learner.

5. Get enough sleep

While this might seem obvious, the fact is that many children in South Africa and, the rest of the world, don’t get nearly enough sleep for their brains to recover and save memories and new facts from the previous day.

6. Contact Think Digital Academy

To learn more ways to help your child become a better learner and how South Africa’s 4x Award Winning Online School can provide your child with a much better education, reach out to us on WhatsApp, by phone call or mail.

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it on your favourite social media sites.

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Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

Great reading

Kids these days…

They’re almost always indoors. Influencing, and TikTok-ing, and weird internet challenge-ing.

These days, smartphones are the name of the game, and nearly every single child has one. We don’t even need to sing their praises, goodness knows you can probably get them to do that themselves. From scrolling through social media to snapping millions of selfies, if it ain’t a smartphone, teenagers nowadays ain’t interested.

Gone are the good ol’ days when we couldn’t wait to get home, not to do homework or anything – let’s get real – but we just couldn’t wait to get our hands on our parents’ classic Nokia cellphone so that we could spend the afternoon beating our previous score on Snake.

Fast forward a few years later and we had our very own brick of a phone with which to play games, try out polyphonic ringtones and send SMSs JUST long enough to not use up all our airtime and start sending “Please Call Me’s”. Just look how far we’ve come.

We live in the most awesome time in history – the digital age. Google has the answer to every question we can conceive, we never get lost because of GPS and TikTok captures our latest dance moves. But we all know that social media can be a tricky place to navigate, especially as a teenager. With their lives primarily lived online, teenagers are very vulnerable in the digital age and can easily find themselves in hot water if they don’t use the web responsibly. From cyberbullying to copyright infringement, avoiding these pitfalls is essential for staying safe and out of trouble. One innocent mistake can damage your child’s reputation, result in legal costs and even land them in prison. In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways you can help protect your child while they use social media.

  1. Set rules and expectations: Make sure your child understands the importance of being safe online. It may seem obvious to you not to share intimate information or photographs on social media, but explain the importance of this to your children. Talk to them about appropriate behaviour, such as not accepting friend requests from people they do not know, sending messages to strangers, and not meeting up with people they don’t know in person.
  2. Monitor activity: Many social media sites allow parents to monitor their child’s activity. Take advantage of these features and keep an eye on what your child is doing online.
  3. Educate yourself: Social media is more than a passing craze, it is a fundamental shift in the way our children communicate. Become familiar with the different social media sites your children use, so you understand how they work and can spot anything suspicious.
  4. Restrict access: Consider setting up restrictions on the devices your children use to access social media. You can also block certain websites and disable certain features. Teach your children that with great power comes great responsibility!
  5. Talk to them: It’s important to have regular conversations with your children about social media use, so they can feel comfortable talking to you if something bothers them or makes them feel uncomfortable online. Talk to them about context, tone and audience so they understand that saying something at a party to a particular audience is very different to posting something on social media where it can be misinterpreted and there is no little control over the audience.
  6. Report any suspicious activity: If you come across anything on your child’s social media accounts that seems inappropriate or dangerous, take action right away. Most sites have ways to report suspicious activity, so make sure to use these features if necessary.

By taking the time to protect your child while they are using social media, you can help ensure that they have a positive and safe experience. Remember – stay smart, stay safe and have fun in the digital age.

*Bonus* – if it feels wrong, don’t do it! That should be your mantra in the digital age. 🙂

Happy surfing!

Great reading

Mind Power courses

At Think Digital we’ve developed two short courses, Mind Power for Kids (ages 6 – 12) and Mind Power for Teens (ages 13 – 18), that is fun to take and teaches them how to navigate through life and remain positive and focused.

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Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

Conventional schooling has been the norm for centuries. Now, the learning landscape has changed drastically.

Today, online learning is rapidly gaining traction across the globe, especially in South Africa. Online schooling, and online learning allows students to learn from the safety and comfort of their homes and, better yet, allows them to a large extent, work at their own pace too.

While the online learning model offers many benefits on paper, is it just as effective in practice? Let’s find out.

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Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

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2022 was a wonderful year. Our students impressed us with their academic and extracurricular accomplishments, their parents continued to provide unrelenting support to their children, and our online school achieved new accolades.

Before jumping into our new academic year, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the previous year. In 2022, we collectively recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuilt ourselves. However, we also faced new socioeconomic, political and environmental obstacles.

As we step into 2023, it’s important to keep abreast of ground realities and remain optimistic at the same time. Here’s some collective advice for 2023 from a few of our Student Success Coaches at Think Digital Academy. How can you strengthen your academic performance in the upcoming year? Moreover, what’s the right way to be socially responsible in this critical year?

Keep reading. We’d love to engage in a healthy debate towards the end of the article; please share your thoughts with us!

Understand what’s happening in the world

2022 was a difficult year in many ways and a positive year in others. We faced a wide range of economic, political, environmental and social catastrophes.

At Think Digital Academy (TDA), we encourage our students to understand what’s happening in the world. As Carol Hanisch said, “The personal is political.” Our personal experiences aren’t isolated; they form the fabric of the larger society we live in.

As we understand the economic, political, social and environmental structures of the world, we’re able to take a step outside our circle of privilege and observe critical ground realities. This is extremely important. It helps us take equitable action and advocate for marginalised individuals and communities.

Understand the significance of political movements like the fight against crime, the fight against poverty and, the fight against climate change, economic disparities and other ground realities. This is the first step towards becoming a socially conscious and responsible citizen.

Create a new academic game plan

As you focus on your social growth, make some time for academic development as well. At TDA, our online Education Architects have planned the upcoming year by providing a “Termly Planner” for each Term, and each Grade, that details the lessons you could aim to cover during the academic term, to ensure a smooth, steady transition and consistent academic growth.

It’s time to reflect on your academic performance in the previous year.

Make a list of your accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, skills and areas of improvement. Discuss the plan with your parents and/or tutors and get their input. Once you have a good grasp of where you stand and what needs to be done differently in 2023, it’s time to get to work!

Create a digital academic game plan. You can also use a physical calendar; however, a digital plan will be easier to edit and track. If you’re an FET, IGCSE or AS Level student, your academic plan should be SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound). This will help you systematically achieve your goals and secure top grades. If you’re having trouble creating a plan, feel free to consult your Student Success Coaches.

Make time for personal growth

Your personal growth is extremely important, especially as you step into a new year with a wide range of exciting new opportunities at your feet! Explore your interests, hobbies, pursuits and passions. Participate in competitions like Spelling Bee, Chess, debating, essay writing, and so on. Find a skill you would like to develop and join one of our live, online clubs. We have many to choose from – Art, Anime, Pilates, Yoga, History, Maths, Movement, Drama and many more. With over 15 clubs to choose from, there’s definitely something for everyone – explore at least one of them and develop a new skill.

Personal growth also includes ethical and moral development. Practice empathy, learn the importance of being responsible and treat people with respect and kindness.

Have a check-and-balance system in place

Procrastination and complacency are extremely common among students. You may set impressive new goals for 2023. However, as the year progresses, you may become a little less diligent.

Make sure you have a good check-and-balance system in place. If you become passive and stop checking your goals off the list, hold yourself accountable. You can ask an older friend, family member or tutor to help you out with this.

Consistency will ultimately help you ensure that 2023 is a successful academic year. There’s nothing wrong with taking breaks. However, make sure you don’t lose track of your goals entirely. If you’re looking for more advice for 2023 from your Student Success Coaches, we’re always here to help.

At TDA, we equip our students with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to succeed year in and year out. 2023 is a fresh start! Let’s make the most of it!

Explore the following resources to get started:

As the festive season and school holidays are under way, our students are already well on their way to making memories with their friends and loved ones. While some are on vacation, others might still have weekend getaways, outdoor excursions, sporting activities and other adventures lined up.

We strongly encourage students to spend time with their loved ones over the break. As you enjoy the holidays, make sure you do so productively! What do we mean by this? In this article, we’ll discuss five ways to have a productive break.

1. Reflect on the year and set new goals

As you wave 2022 goodbye and make way for 2023, make sure you take some time to reflect on the year and set new goals. Was your academic performance up to par in 2022? Did you focus on your personal growth? Did you socialise with your friends? What about your extracurricular growth?

Analyse the year from every standpoint to determine whether you had a productive year. We also recommend creating a list of ways you can make 2023 even more productive. How can you improve your academic performance? Should you develop new skills? Our Clubs and Societies are a good place to acquire and learn new skills. Are there certain activities and hobbies you should explore? Do you want to start playing new sports?

Make a comprehensive list of everything that you want to achieve. While it should be thorough, it should also be realistic at the same time.

2. Organise your study space

Does your learning space need some TLC? At Think Digital Academy we encourage our students to pay close attention to their study space. You spend a good chunk of your day working through your online classes from this space. If it’s in disarray, you’ll struggle to have a productive learning experience.

A tidy, clean, minimalist and organised space will help you feel motivated and uplifted. If your study space isn’t up to the par, start a mini makeover! Clean it up, redo the space around your working desk if you have to, add some bursts of colour to the space, and accessorise it. As you breathe life into your study space, you’ll feel more invigorated.

Avoid going overboard. As you accessorise your space, avoid adding gadgets, or any other distractive elements to it. Once you spruce up your study station, you’ll see the difference for yourself.

3. Create a new schedule for the upcoming term

It’s time for a new term! As you enjoy the holiday festivities, take some time to create a schedule for the upcoming term. You should ideally do this before the New Year.

Based on your new lessons and timings, set up a robust schedule that helps you stay on track. Your Termly Planner will help you to break up your lessons into a schedule that works for you. You can opt for a digital calendar or create a physical schedule in a notebook or on a whiteboard in your room.

If you opt for a digital schedule, make sure you sync it across your devices (smartphone, desktop computer, laptop and tablet). This will help you access and edit your schedule whenever you want. It’s the best way to stay on top of everything in 2023!

4. Get an academic head start

You may shudder at the thought of being told to study over the holiday break. No, we won’t ask you to do that. However, we strongly recommend getting a head start.

Go over your curriculum for the upcoming term and review some of the chapters, topics, or subtopics that appear difficult. You can also watch a video or two to head a head start and begin a great term! Get a good grasp of the introductory concepts so you can breeze through the first few lessons.

At Think Digital Academy, we have comprehensive online learning tools. Your learner dashboard includes a wide range of educational resources, including videos, eBooks, past papers, worksheets, lesson activities and so much more.

Utilise these resources to learn the ropes. This little measure will go a long way in helping you feel prepared when working through your recorded lessons. Feel free to jot down any questions if you want. You can ask your online tutors for assistance and get any initial confusion you may have cleared up.

5. Listen to podcasts

If you don’t want to study over the holiday break, you don’t have to! If you want to enjoy your break, you have every right to. You earned it!

To keep productivity intact, listen to educational and motivational podcasts. Here are some great options:

  • Stuff You Should Know
  • Made to Thrive by Steve Stavs
  • TED Talks Daily
  • StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Life Kit
  • History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps
  • Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders
  • Brain Science
  • Grammar Girl
  • Stuff to Blow Your Mind
  • Startup Nation
  • 60 Seconds Health
  • 60 Seconds Science
  • Astronomy 161
  • The Infinite Monkey Cage

If you’re interested in switching from conventional schooling to online schooling, Think Digital Academy should be your top choice. Established in 2017, our school has been providing a quality online education to students for over 6 years.

We’re excited to have you on board! Let’s start securing a better, brighter future for your children.

Sign up to explore our FREE two week trial.

According to a recent study, the number of students being schooled online has doubled in the last decade. Overall, if current national growth in online schooling continues as many educational experts expect, we could see those figures growing at an accelerated rate over the next 5 years. This has many asking the question, ‘Why do parents choose to home-school or school their children online?”.

To answer that question, the team of online school experts at Think Digital Academy, has put together the top 4 reasons why parents decide to home-school or school their children online. Let’s take a look:

Negative school environment

Sometimes the educational environment our children are exposed to in traditional schools isn’t as positive as we would like. With bullying, unprofessional instructors and negligent headmasters, today’s students face a lot of stress. With online schooling, the learning environment is positive and controlled by the parent.

Higher quality education

Today’s schools are often overcrowded and that can lead to many students not receiving a quality education. Teachers are overloaded with paperwork and they can get burned out very easily. With online schooling, children get a higher quality education because all the lessons are pre-recorded and taught by highly qualified subject matter experts. Parents have more control over what their children are learning and they recognise the valuable skills that their children are taught, which better prepare them for university.

Support a high-performance athlete or learning disabled child

Children with booming sporting or cultural careers, or children with learning disabilities or physical handicaps don’t typically thrive in public schools. Many schools have very limited resources and time when it comes to children with special needs. This makes an online school environment that much more effective for children with learning disabilities or physical handicaps, giving them more opportunities to learn and grow.

Improved social interactions

While many parents believe the myth that children who are schooled online aren’t as socially interactive as students who attend a traditional school, it is just the opposite. Online schooled children develop much more advanced social skills than public school students. Online schooling offers less bullying and peer pressure.

Online schooling improves both the emotional and psychological development of children and strengthens family connections with their siblings. Children gain a greater sense of awareness of the world around them, while developing a stronger sense of civic responsibility.

Contact Think Digital Academy

To learn more about the importance of online schooling and how an independent online school can provide your child with a much better education, contact us on WhatsApp, email or give us a call.

Sign up to explore our FREE two week trial.

There’s no such thing as too much research

The conventional to online schooling transition shouldn’t be taken lightly. This is a big decision. As a parent, invest time, energy and effort into finalising things. There’s no such thing as too much research.

We recommend taking some time to understand how online learning will benefit your child. Which online schooling features should you look for in an institution? Moreover, how will this transition affect you as a parent?

Many parents make the mistake of doing minimal research and diving head-first into this transition. Avoid making this mistake. Prepare yourself and gain more insight into making the switch. This will help you choose the right institution and begin this journey on a good note.

Use this checklist during the research process:

1. What are the benefits of switching to online learning?

Flexibility – working at your own pace, safety, convenience, the ability to tailor your child’s learning according to their needs, strengths and weaknesses, etc.

2. Which online school is right for my children?

Prioritise experience and faculty expertise. The institution should have at least 5 years of experience and a qualified, experienced, skilled, trained and empathetic faculty. They should also use a recognised, accredited and well-rounded curriculum. Additionally, they must equip students with top-notch resources and tools.

3. Can I resume work/chores while my child attends online school?

The answer to this question is imperative. Choose an online school that completely takes the reins so that you, as a parent, don’t have to intervene continuously. At Think Digital Academy, you can rest assured knowing that we teach, while you parent. You should be able to resume work/chores without being required to check in on your child. To make this task easier, we’ve designed a parent tool that enables you to monitor your child’s progress easily and effortlessly. Our weekly activity reports are emailed directly to your inbox every Monday morning. This report details your child’s activity on the system and tracks their progress. All you need to do is check that they’re making positive progress. Many institutions don’t offer parental leeway, so dig deeper and find one that does.

Create two schedules: one for your child and one for yourself

As you switch to online schooling, you should have scheduling down to a tee: both for your child and yourself. Start by creating a balanced schedule for your child. Once their pre-recorded lessons end for the day, they should enjoy a handful of activities that promote personal and social growth.

Allocate some time for sports, skill-building, extracurricular activities, hobbies, excursions, socialisation with friends and/or family and so on. At Think Digital, we’ve created an opportunity for students to join a selection of live, virtual Clubs and Societies to ensure that skill-building continues even outside the online learning environment. This will help your child have an active learning experience following their classes.

Similarly, set up a schedule for yourself. Break your day into slots. Fit work and leisure into these slots. Your day should already be planned out in advance, so that you don’t feel rushed and panicked every day.

A streamlined schedule will help you breeze through work, run errands, catch up with friends/family, spend quality time with your children, help them with their schoolwork/revision, take some time out for yourself, etc.

The online schooling transition becomes very simple and manageable when everything is seamlessly and skilfully planned in advance. Do this and the first few weeks will become much easier.

Speak with the personnel beforehand

At Think Digital Academy, we help parents prepare for the transition to online schooling. Our Student Success Coaches will walk you through what you should expect. A virtual dashboard tour is offered beforehand which will give you a good glimpse into what you can expect when you enter your “online campus”. They’ll also discuss common mistakes parents often make during the first few months of the switch. As you get a glimpse of how the first few weeks will pan out, you can prepare accordingly.

We also recommend reaching out to other parents who have already switched to the online schooling model. The longer it has been, the better! They’ll offer excellent guidance and share individualised tips based on their unique experiences.

If you still feel unprepared, online forums are an excellent resource.

If you have any unique questions or concerns, pop one of our friendly Success Coaches a WhatsApp +27 071 408 4677. Our online support community is very active, so you can rest assured that you’ll get the support you seek.

Another great option for if you recently made the switch and want to find support in your new online community, is to join various Facebook groups. As you interact with other parents, you’ll understand how they navigate the switch in a way that’s effective and efficient for them.

Ready to make the switch to online schooling for your children? At Think Digital Academy, we offer the South African CAPS, British International and American GED curricula to students across the globe. As South Africa’s first, favourite and 2x award-winning online school, we’re trusted by thousands of parents.

With 6+ years of experience, we’re committed to helping students excel. By providing quality online schooling options for working parents, we help parents heave a big sigh of relief when it comes to their children’s education. Whether you’re working from home, rushing to the office in the morning, or running errands all day, you can rest assured that your children will receive a quality education from home.

Thank you for trusting us; we look forward to giving your children the support, tools, and guidance they need to succeed.

Explore our FREE two week trial and see for yourself.

More children than ever before are suffering from anxiety and mental health disorders, and this can put them at a severe disadvantage in the schooling system. While many children suffer from occasional shyness when presented with a new situation, some young people suffer from overwhelming and persistent fear when in social situations, including in the classroom.

This can result in a host of problems that can negatively impact a child’s academic attainment.

Children and adolescents with anxiety disorders struggle to focus, and experience a fear of attending school. They may also experience other physical symptoms associated with their condition including rapid breathing, restlessness, stomach aches and headaches. If your child is a sufferer, it may be very distressing to have to send them to school every day knowing how much they are struggling.

Fortunately for both children and parents alike, online schooling, which can be done from anywhere, presents an excellent alternative education provision.

How does online schooling help anxious children?

Online schools benefit children suffering from anxiety in several ways. Children can make progress at their own pace, in their favourite place, learning in an environment that is free from any distractions or problematic behaviour. While virtual classrooms give anxious youngsters social interaction, which is essential, even for children with anxiety, the experience is considerably less stressful than in-person teaching.

Anxious students can benefit from a more personalised and tailored learning programme, building up their confidence and helping them to catch up with anything that they have missed in their brick and mortar school.

Can my child do online schooling from home?

Some parents wonder whether taking their child out of their school and teaching them themselves at home is the answer when they suffer from anxiety. While this may work for the youngest children, it becomes considerably more problematic when dealing with older children. Parents rarely have the knowledge or skill to teach all subjects at higher levels such as Grade 10 – 12 or IGCSE – AS levels.

The advantage of schooling them online with Think Digital Academy is that parents do not need to take the burden and responsibility of teaching their children themselves. The lessons are all recorded by qualified teachers who are masters in their subjects. This means that parents can do just that, parent, and still feel at ease that their children are being taught by subject matter experts.

Enrolment at an online school such as Think Digital Academy, ensures that young people who are working towards their major exams can benefit from outstanding teaching from skilled and qualified teachers so that they can receive school leaving certificates that stand them in good stead to achieve their future goals.

Fitting learning around treatment

If your child suffers from severe anxiety they may need professional treatment and therapy. While undergoing this treatment process, children must be in a supportive and safe environment where they can focus on recovery. They must, however, also continue studying so that they don’t miss out on vital learning time.

Online schooling fits seamlessly around treatment so that students receiving help for their anxiety can continue to learn, work towards their qualifications and make progress so that they can return to conventional education in the future should they wish to do so.

Choosing an online school

If you’re wondering how to choose an online school for your anxious child, contact Think Digital Academy to find out more about how South Africa’s first, favourite and award winning online school can benefit your child.

Explore our FREE two week trial and see for yourself.

Introverted kids have an inner world that is alive and present for them. They engage with the deeper aspects of life.

Online education can benefit introverts who find in person school overwhelming. It also allows you to work closely with your child to develop a personalised education plan, to give them the best online education (British, South African or American curricula).

Here are some tips on how to support your introverted child’s education.

Infographic on how to support your introverted child's education

Free trial

Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

No matter how gifted, talented, and hardworking a student may be, the wrong circumstances can negatively affect their academic performance. At Think Digital Academy, we often hear of precocious students suffering severe academic blows. It’s important to understand why this happens.

In this article, we’ll offer a closer look at some of the most common reasons why children’s grades suddenly begin to drop. Use this insight to take the right steps and help your child get back on track.

Unqualified teachers

Have you recently switched your child’s school? Perhaps they are studying at the same institution, but their teachers have changed? Unqualified, inexperienced and insufficiently trained teachers can make even the most talented students falter.

To succeed in school, students must develop a strong interest in their studies. This interest is contingent on how passionate, qualified, experienced, emotionally intelligent and empathetic their teachers are. If the wrong teachers take your child under their wing, the outcome will be disappointing.

We strongly recommend setting up a meeting with the school. Leading up to the meeting, do your research. What are the qualifications of the teachers? Ideally, they should be qualified. Moreover, how much experience do they have? Which teaching approach do they use? Are they harsh towards students or empathetic and, are they understanding and kind?

These details make a big difference in student performance. As the meeting progresses, you’ll get a good idea of whether the school is the right fit for your child. If you’re afraid you’ve made the wrong decision, consider switching schools.

The right school can help students realise their potential and shine bright in and outside the classroom. At Think Digital Academy, our MA/PhD qualified teachers deliver engaging, enjoyable and retentive recorded lessons that help students secure top grades.

Lack of flexibility

As academic stress, anxiety and burnout increase among students, education specialists urge parents to reconsider their approach. When students are pushed to study for an unreasonably high number of hours per day, they struggle to maintain optimal levels of focus and concentration.

Students spend the bulk of the day studying. As a result, they develop academic fatigue. Instead of improving, their academic performance declines.

It’s possible that your child is overworked. If this is the case, encourage them to develop a healthy work-life routine. Once their classes end for the day, students should enjoy ample afterschool activities like sports, hanging out with friends, exploring new hobbies and interests, developing new skills, going on adventures and explorations with friends or family, meeting new people, having new experiences, visiting new places and so on. This is part of the learning process.

As a parent, ensure that your child is granted ample flexibility. Once they return home from school, they should have ample time to study, revise, complete their homework and enjoy themselves. A healthy, balanced schedule will help your child improve their grades. If they’re overworked, however, their academic performance will continue to stagnate.

Inadequate support

To thrive, students must be equipped with the right academic support, tools and guidance. While excellent teachers are important, they’re not enough. Students must also have a positive learning experience supplemented with the right tools.

At Think Digital Academy, we have created a vast online library to help students keep their academic performance on track “after school”. Once their online school time ends for the day, students can explore thousands of resources like join virtual clubs, read through study notes, explore our online Reading Room, activities, past papers, worksheets, study guides and so much more.

These tools help sustain the learning process. As students complete their lessons or revise for the day, they may have questions. Our online tutors and student success coaches address these questions to get rid of any confusion or doubt.

These invaluable resources also play a pivotal role in keeping students happy, motivated and encouraged. If a student is struggling with any academic, personal or social problem, they can unhesitatingly reach out to our online tutors. We provide a safe, open and candid space to students. They can address their problems without fear of judgement.

As a parent, you should have a razor-sharp focus on improving your child’s academic performance. At Think Digital Academy, we help you shoulder this responsibility by providing you with weekly activity reports delivered straight to your inbox every week. This report helps you to keep track of your child’s academic progress and performance. Since our inception in 2017, we’ve helped thousands of talented students get back on track.

If your gifted child has been struggling recently, consider switching to the online schooling model with Think Digital Academy. We offer the South African CAPS, British International and American GED curricula to students across the globe. As one of the most esteemed, trusted and recognised online schools in South Africa, we’re trusted by thousands of parents.

Explore our FREE two week trial and see for yourself.